DS2 transom rot repair/replacement parts list

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Re: DS2 transom rot repair/replacement parts list

Postby GreenLake » Sat Sep 12, 2020 1:54 am

Let's talk ladder:

Wylie wrote:As for the ladder, I am sure that people have accomplished a lot with filler and sandwiching some pressure treated lumber. I was even thinking about cutting up a plank I already have and practicing my fiberglass skills by making a chunk to bolt on and adhere to the back. I noticed a post from someone else mentioning they had welded on a step at the top of their ladder because it was too short. I ordered a ladder that had more steps and made sure there was a step close to the top already. It mounts to the vertical face of the transom. It will have a lot of rotational force from top to bottom on a small bracket that would be supported by a fiberglass wrapped piece of 2 x 8. But instead of hanging pieces of lumber off the back of my boat, I would like to be able to mount it directly to my boat. However, like you said, not being here, it’s not easy to see where the rot is. Unfortunately, the rot has progressed quite a ways. The tympanic method with a rubber mallet along with just pressing into the skin and feeling and watching it move means there is nothing solid where I want to mount the ladder. The same applies for the trolling motor. And the gas engine. And the stand for the mast. Basically everything that I want to mount is supposed to mount where it is soft. I have a lot of stuff that I want to mount. That means most of the transom is soft. Kind of sad, at the same time, it is not an obstacle for me but an opportunity. Please don’t underestimate my tenacity. Also, please don’t underestimate my stupidity. Thank you again for all of your advice. Please keep it coming. People need to hear it. People are going to read this. They will be helped by your warnings.

My assumption (until I hear differently from you having actually looked inside) is that the back of the DSII is not actually supported by a full-width piece of wood. For one, the fact that it curves is a bit of a give away. Therefore, my working assumption is that the outer shell (hull) has a single strip of wood glassed against it that is used to support the bolts for the rudder. Then they lowered the deck/seat molding from above and called it a day. Banging on the outside, an intentional hollow would not sound firm. Can you tell it from rotted wood without looking?

We should look up that old thread of people mounting swim ladders. I assume you mean a folding one. If you have an inspection port in the transom you could just glue some pieces right where you want the bolts to go through. That way you can through-bolt the ladder supports and you won't squish the two shells together. I think the combined structure is strong enough to hold you (remember, the guy I'm thinking off, who mounted a swim ladder had substance!!). Can't ask him, because he's no longer with us, but he did used to write here extensively. Perhaps we can find details of what he did.

I was able to find at least a rear view of the boat in this post.

Here's another post, showing a similar ladder on a DS1. There is no wood in a DS1 transom where the ladder is mounted, but you can reach the inside space to mount a backing plate. Someone said they found wood drilling into a DSII transom at that location, so perhaps I'm wrong in my conception of how a DSII transom is put together (still, can't really picture them bending plywood for that - doesn't seem to fit with what we know about they way they built these boats...)

Here's another view of a DSII transom with swim ladder, together with placements for inspection ports.

There's not as much discussion of these ladders than I seemed to remember. Either everybody avoided the word "ladder" :) or we discussed this stuff in person.

However, I found this thread on motor mounts for the DSII, and apparently there's more wood there than I expected - "Roger" is quite the authority on the DSII, and if he says to expect wood core, you'd better.

I'll bail out and let you proceed. It was fun looking up all that old stuff.
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Re: DS2 transom rot repair/replacement parts list

Postby Wylie » Sun Sep 13, 2020 10:20 pm

That’s great! Thank you for posting those links! They do have some very good pictures and great additional advice.

[url]Seachoice 71231 Telescoping... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B005NI4SXY?re ... b_ap_share[/url]

This is the ladder that I got. It mounts little differently than the ones in the pictures. It has a step that is higher up than those. More importantly, the bracket on the one I purchased has the bolt holes separated by only a few inches at most. I see what you are saying about how other people have mounted their ladders. They have a wider space between holes for the mounting bracket. It was interesting to read that somebody had put an entire piece of wood across the back of their transom to make it all work.

When I spoke with Rudy up at D and R, he said he remembered 8 to 12 kerfs cut vertically in a piece of plywood they bonded/ “Clamped the shit out of them“ (his words) to the transom fiberglass before dropping the deck pan in place.

Until I cut off the back cap section, we can only speculate.

I particularly like the picture of the inspection port. That helps me to locate where mine will go very easily. I can even go so far as to start cutting a hole for inspection before the part arrives now that I know where it will go. Better still, if I hit somewhere near the middle of where there’s is and away from a support that I can hear underneath, I could use a three-quarter inch drill bit and an inspection mirror or camera to figure out where the rest of the hole will go (more fore/more aft) to miss any supports that may be hiding.
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Re: DS2 transom rot repair/replacement parts list

Postby GreenLake » Mon Sep 14, 2020 1:03 am

OK. I like your thinking about placing the ports, and great additional information.

As this thread is heavily DS2 specific (due to special transom construction) I may move it to that section. Will see.
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Re: DS2 transom rot repair/replacement parts list

Postby Wylie » Mon Sep 14, 2020 11:20 pm

How to cut a transom template for a daysailer 2:

Cut a rectangular piece of cardboard 20“x65”

Center the piece of cardboard and tape it to the transom cap.

Feel for and cut holes for the gudgeons

Notch the bottom of the cardboard to match the height of the bottom of the v hull and tape in place.

Notch the corners of the piece of cardboard and tape them in place.

With a brand new blade in a box cutter, start near your tape at the top and make sure the blade stays parallel to the cap as you draw the blade along the contour. The flat side of the razor should almost be touching the flat top of the cap.  while the flat edge of the blade stays parallel to the top of the transom, the handle of the knife needs to be angled so the razor is slicing the cardboard instead of cutting the cardboard. Slicing instead of separates the pieces of cardboard without pushing big chunks of cardboard as you go. Be careful not to nick the gelcoat.

Once you have cut the curve on half of the top of the transom, tape the rest of the cardboard in place where you just cut

Repeat on cut the other side

Repeat taping on the other side

Next, carefully cut the horizontal notches at the edges under the deck lip

Last is to trim along the bottom contour on each side. Press the cardboard agaisnt the transom as you slice since the cardboard will want to flex away from the transom.

Since the entire top of the cardboard is taped in place, there is not much need for additional tape at the bottom since these are the last cuts.

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Re: DS2 transom rot repair/replacement parts list

Postby Wylie » Wed Sep 16, 2020 5:06 pm

I cut the boat!!! This shows pictures of the inside of a daysailer two. DS2 transom repair videos. Video of aftermath. Pictures of rotted transom. Pictures of stringers. Shows placement of foam core stringers and cardboard stringers. Shows multilayerd fiberglass and plywood sandwiched transom remains.

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