is this a good deal?

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is this a good deal?

Postby Guest » Mon Aug 03, 1998 12:00 am

My neighbor and I are looking to purchase a Day Sailer together. The boat is a 1978 type II with a galvanized trailer, main sail and jib. No outboard included. The unit seems to be in very good condition, but we are novices, so we're no sure what it's worth.

The seller is asking $1800 and we were planning to offer $1500. Can anyone offer their 2 cents as to the approximate value of this boat?


Ed Mann (

Postby boone » Thu Aug 06, 1998 12:00 am

Ed, the price range you give seems reasonable. Besides the basics, look into other things:<P><UL><LI>Check the condition of the sails are very expensive.</LI><LI>Make sure that all of the side accessories are present with the boat...rudder, tiller, drain plugs, etc.</LI><LI>Are the lines/blocks in good condition or will they need to be replaced?</LI><LI>Crawl under the boat and look at the condition of the centerboard.</LI><LI>Check the condition of the "bow-eye", used to pull the boat with the crank on the trailer. If it's loose, you'll have some work ahead of you.</LI><LI>Check the trailer to see if the lights work, tires are in good condition, etc.</LI><LI>Does the boat have a cover? A good cover is expensive (~$300).</LI></UL></P>The condition or absence of anything above could sway your decision/offering price.

Since you're new to the game, try to get the owner to show you how to rig the boat properly. I had to figure this out for myself.

You might want to look into a "joint-ownership agreement" if you're going to buy this with your neighbor. A lot of groups who buy boats do this. Search the archives on <A HREF=''></A>.

Also, have a look at the forsale ads on this site to get an idea of what others are asking.
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Postby Guest » Wed Dec 22, 1999 1:00 am

I paid $1400 for my 1979 DS II in 1996. She came with a galvanized trailer, but one tire was flat (easy fix),and the lights were corroded out. I had to make a few repairs before launching, but feel that I got a darn good deal! At that time a 1979 DS II depending on condition "Blue Book" value was $1800 - $2400. So, I'd say that $1500-1800 is reasonable for a 1978!

Rod Johnson (

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