Greetings all,
I purchased and installed a D&R tabernacle this summer following the instructions provided "and then" read some postings in the DSII dedicated forum that made wish a hadn't (followed the instructions).
I cut the mast at the designated spots and reassembled, end result being the tabernacle is a few inches above the cuddy top.
I have since read in several postings that others have installed the tabernacle higher so that the boom can be left attached when the mast is lowered. This seems like an excellent idea for at least three reasons.
1- (obvious one) The boom stays on which saves the need to detach and store it. Also easing the disassembly challange of lowering the mast for low bridges etc.
2- The mainsail could be left attached to the mast and stored on the boom making sail prep and storage faster.
3- A shorter upper mast section when it is taken down (is it still called de-stepping when a tabernacle is in use?).
I assume there is a specific reason the installation instructions give precise measurements where to cut, but I don't know what those reasons would be.
So now having done what I did and hindsight being 20/20, I guess my options are one of three.
A- Leave it alone and deal with it.
B- Acquire a new (longer) lower section of mast to raise the tabernacle, and further cut town the upper mast to maintain the correct length.
C- Install a 2nd tabernacle higher up, giving two options for mast removal.
Questions for the audience...
For option B, is there a source for 4-5 feet of mast base out there in the retail market or do I need to find someone with a previously bent/broken mast on craigs list.
For option C, is that a really stupid idea? Part of another discussion brought out some comments that many people don't even insert the front pin on their tabernacles because it is a vertical weight/stress point, and the stays manage the lateral stress so it's really not needed. Would that logic provide that a 2nd tabernacle (definitely pin the lower one) would also not seriously compromise the strength of the mast?
I'd be interested in hearing your thoughts.