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Re: New DS I owner!

PostPosted: Wed Nov 18, 2015 12:05 am
by GreenLake
I think you are good on the history. More than I had. My boat had an intervening owner who spent a couple years finishing the woodwork before deciding, or have his wife decide for him, not clear which, that it was best to abandon the project. He did pass on a few receipts.

If the story with the sails matches with their actual history, then you definitely came out ahead. Sail numbers may even be correct. If you sign up as a DSA member @dsssec can verify that the number isn't claimed by anyone and "assign" it to your boat for purposes of class racing (or vanity). She, or her predecessor did that for me when I bought new sails and felt like having a number on them would be the thing to do.

Not soon after, somebody gives me an old spinnaker, and now I sport two numbers ...

Re: New DS I owner!

PostPosted: Thu Nov 19, 2015 3:54 am
by bgreywolf
I went through and found an old copy of the spreadsheet with the headers; I think it's fixed and I *think* everyone is still on there. There's 83 entries now, one of them being my (very incomplete) entry. I apologize if I lost anything but at least now I know what each column is for (so I can take a look when I get home).

PO says the boat was never named, so I guess I still have to come up with something.

Re: New DS I owner!

PostPosted: Thu Nov 19, 2015 4:32 am
by GreenLake
bgreywolf wrote:I went through and found an old copy of the spreadsheet with the headers; I think it's fixed and I *think* everyone is still on there. There's 83 entries now, one of them being my (very incomplete) entry. I apologize if I lost anything but at least now I know what each column is for ..



Re: New DS I owner!

PostPosted: Fri Nov 20, 2015 7:11 pm
by kokko
Not just mahogany but old growth rainforest mahogany. I had the replace my coamings and went to an exotic wood shop. The guy said he could sell me several different types, but the old growth stuff cannot be obtained

Re: New DS I owner!

PostPosted: Tue Nov 24, 2015 2:54 pm
by GreenLake
Can't travel to the past.

Re: New DS I owner!

PostPosted: Tue Nov 24, 2015 3:01 pm
by kokko
And just as well. The mahogany I bought was plantation grown.

Re: New DS I owner!

PostPosted: Fri Dec 11, 2015 3:22 pm
by bgreywolf
Well, I can't find a plate anywhere with a boat number.
I pulled the sails out--which I had helped stuff into the sail bag not 6 weeks ago--and also pulled out a mouse nest. Little #@$%& ate a basketball sized hole in each of them. Looks like I need new sails. :(
There are 2 main sails; one very old and worn one marked "DS 1335", and one much newer one with 2 reef points marked "Ratsey and Lapthorn Inc, Sailmakers, City Island NY" with a big 180 on it. I don't know that either sail is original but I wouldn't be terribly surprised if 1335 was.
Where on the inside might there be an identifying number?
It looks like my rub rails come around to the stern but stop about 3" past the bend; I think that's another indicator of the age?
I'm home for another week, so now is the time for me to look at the boat if anyone thinks I should examine anything. Also, it's 55 degrees out, I don't think I'll be looking at much of anything when I'm home again in February...

*Edit: So, looks like Ratsey and Lapthorn closed down in...1982. Meaning that sail isn't "about 10 years old" after all. Still, it was in really nice shape before the stupid mice ate away at it. Who makes a decent DS I sail for casual sailing?

Re: New DS I owner!

PostPosted: Fri Dec 11, 2015 5:43 pm
by GreenLake
Hull number: your guess for 1335 looks like the best one so far, and tallies with the design of the rub-rail


What you are looking at there is (most likely) DS#1404, with '63 as the putative date. (You can find the details of how we reconstructed that information elsewhere in this forum).

For the sails, the age in years isn't perhaps the most significant - it's really more like "hours in use". If the fabric is stiff and the stitching looks good, patching your sails may be an option.

Otherwise, check out the "Sails" section of this forum.