My first experiment with gelcoat was a fail. I tried painting it on several surfaces and some cured, some didn't. One area had patches of cured and uncured gelcoat. I read a few things after that. One, the droppers aren't great. Two, the gelcoat needs to be a certain thickness to cure out. I used the dropper and brushed a single coat on, so it probably was too thin. The Boatworks Today guy said to brush one direction and let the solvent flash off for a couple of minutes, then brush perpendicular to that, alternating direction each coat. I also picked up some syringes at Tractor Supply to use for the MEKP.
I tried it again tonight and used the syringe to ensure I got the amount of catalyst I was looking for. And tried the cross-brushing. I definitely mixed the gelcoat too hot. I was able to get three coats on, but it went from runny pudding to a solid lump of gel in a span of about 10 seconds while I was brushing the third coat. Pot life was about 6 minutes and not a second more. That was at 1.75%; I'll try 1.5% next time.
I've got some wax that can be mixed in with the gelcoat from the supplier to use in the final coat. I've got some plastic sheeting too. If it's calm I intend to try the plastic. If it's windy I'll probably go with the wax. I'll hopefully be able to get this done this weekend.