Drifter headsail for DSII

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Re: Drifter headsail for DSII

Postby K.C. Walker » Fri Mar 04, 2016 8:50 am

The furler on the UPS is pretty much essential for me. I can't tack or jibe without furling. The UPS is specifically designed to be furled. It has two spectra luff lines sewn into the sail. They are separated by just the right amount so that it takes very few pulls on the furler line to get it to wrap up neatly.

Because you will be flying your drifter "inside" the head stay, you will have a much better chance of being able to tack and jibe it. Though, I suspect that it will take some practice.
KC Walker, DS 1 #7002
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Re: Drifter headsail for DSII

Postby tmittner » Fri Mar 04, 2016 2:44 pm

Sage advice KC, I was thinking last night of your idea of fitting and tuning spectra luff line to my non class head sails with Chris's idea of double halyard block to hoist same. I could also run spectra from the cockpit to a ferrule on a quick link at the stem head and back to a cleat at the edge of the cockpit. That way when I need a different head sail, I could simply drop the class jib to the deck and set either the drifter or heavy air sail right from a bag in the cockpit. I would run the tack out to the stemhead with the spectra and cleat it off. Then hoist the sail with the second halyard. My existing jib halyard tensioner (4:1) that like yours hooks into the wire halyard loop could be used on the new head sail to tighten the luff. Reverse the process from the cockpit for striking the sail. I sure am looking forward to this sailing season for trying these ideas!
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Re: Drifter headsail for DSII

Postby K.C. Walker » Fri Mar 04, 2016 3:21 pm

In one of the early threads about the UPS sail, Chris describes how he launches his sail and I think it's very similar to what you have in mind, and he said it worked great. I was guessing that your drifter does not have a wire luff. If it does, you would not need to add the spectra. Also, you might be able to put a spectra luff "wire" in the luff hem and remove the hanks. Though, it does seem like a quick way to try it out.

If you have the conditions for, and really enjoy light wind sailing, you can always rationalize an upgrade to a bigger UPS at some point!
KC Walker, DS 1 #7002
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Re: Drifter headsail for DSII

Postby tmittner » Fri Mar 04, 2016 7:59 pm

It does not have a wire luff, I think there is always going to be next upgrade! :|
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Re: Drifter headsail for DSII

Postby tmittner » Fri Mar 04, 2016 8:25 pm

Yup, found Chris's old post where he uses a tack line and block. Just when I thought I came up with an original idea I learn its not. There is just a wealth of information on this forum, and I have benefited greatly from it. :D
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Re: Drifter headsail for DSII

Postby ChrisB » Tue Mar 08, 2016 10:40 am


Except for the hanks, your headsail sounds a lot like my Doyle UPS. It is 70 (something) SF. I'm not sure what the percent overlap is but it is fairly high. I added blocks on the aft end of the coaming, much like spinnaker blocks. Since my UPS is 3/4 ounce nylon like a chute and is hankless, I launch it from a turtle bag at the base of the mast and retrieve it by blanketing it with the mainsail and gathering it in/stuffing into the turtle bag as I ease the halyard. In light air it works well to close reach. I find it easier to jibe with it than try to tack through the wind. On a beam or broad reach, the boat scoots with the sail. Downwind, I fly it wing and wing on a whisker pole.

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Re: Drifter headsail for DSII

Postby tmittner » Tue Mar 08, 2016 9:13 pm

Chris, Not sure exactly how your UPS is cut, but my "drifter" definitely has a large genoa shape to it, and is definitely of heavier material than your UPS. In fact, the leech has a slight of what I understand is called "hollow" to it (the opposite of roach). I suspect that it is a design that has lost favor in recent years, but hopefully will be an good light air head sail for me. Thanks for your help :D
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Re: Drifter headsail for DSII

Postby ChrisB » Tue Mar 08, 2016 9:35 pm


Check out my personal photo gallery. I have two pics of the UPS; one wing and wing and the other on a reach. It is also similar to a genoa in shape.
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Re: Drifter headsail for DSII

Postby tmittner » Wed Mar 09, 2016 9:26 pm

I see what you mean Chris, they are similar. When I sail this spring, I'll have my wife take some pics for comparison.
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Re: Drifter headsail for DSII

Postby tmittner » Tue Mar 15, 2016 3:05 pm

I'm trying to figure out my sheet length for my drifter with its 11' foot. I plan on having sheet blocks in the aft somewhere, and then running them forward to a turning block on the jib car track, then to cleats on the centerboard trunk. To single hand, I will have to cleat the drifter as my main will still be significantly larger and of the two, I will hand hold the main. I may have my 40mm ratchet blocks on the jib car track already do double duty for my drifter if it points high enough, then if I put 40mm ratchets aft I should have plenty of holding power. I am not planning on using the drifter above 10 or 12 knots and it is about 70 square feet, perhaps one set of 40 mm ratchets are all I need. I know KC uses approximately 60mm ratchets, however his UPS is 120 square feet and he uses it higher winds (maybe not intentionally :shock:) If any UPS sailers could chime in with sheet length and rigging suggestions, that would be great! Thanks
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Re: Drifter headsail for DSII

Postby K.C. Walker » Tue Mar 15, 2016 4:43 pm

This is just a guess on my part. I think that 40 mm would be enough. My 62 mm auto ratchets work well with the 180° wrap for my UPS. It does need to be an auto ratchet. When I'm on the edge with power and single-handed I hold both the main and the UPS in my hand. I do use sailing gloves and they are necessary. I've got a 75 mm ratchet block on the main and that one only gets turned off in light air. It's not so much the holding power of the ratchet blocks that require the gloves, it's the hauling in.

I did fly the UPS last summer in some pretty high wind 15-25. We used it as a downwind asymmetric spinnaker. It was intentional… maybe not prudent. It was an incredible ride and one that I will remember for a long time. It was one of those where we were screaming along on a broad reach and then the gust hit. We turn down some more and it just continued to pick up speed. It was definitely a thrill ride. It did take a LOT of work to get back up wind.

My UPS sheet length is crazy long because the lazy sheet has to go in front of the head stay. I think I decided that two and half boat lengths was what I needed. It's a bit long but not by that much. It is a lot of line underfoot to manage.
KC Walker, DS 1 #7002
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Re: Drifter headsail for DSII

Postby GreenLake » Tue Mar 15, 2016 7:33 pm

Not all ratchet blocks are created equal. I know it sounds weird, but the Ronstan ones tested at twice the holding power than the other brands for the same size block. All the other ones were in a more narrow range.
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Re: Drifter headsail for DSII

Postby tmittner » Tue Mar 15, 2016 8:32 pm

KC, when I ordered sails for my boat, I took the plunge and ordered a heavy air jib as well (90% 5.4oz.). I hope that helps me with the getting back up wind part! Time will tell.

GL, yes, I went and read that article, very interesting as Ronstan seems to have figured out the best ratchets!
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Re: Drifter headsail for DSII

Postby tmittner » Tue Mar 15, 2016 8:39 pm

I hope ChrisB chimes in with his rigging experience as well, since his UPS and my drifter are pretty much identical in size!
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Re: Drifter headsail for DSII

Postby GreenLake » Wed Mar 16, 2016 3:37 am

I thought Chris already mentioned where he placed the blocks (end of the coamings). Can you be more precise in what you'd like to find out in addition? He also mentioned pictures. Do they show some of the detail you are interested in?
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