I'm getting tired of the rope extension I devised last summer ... a length of rope hitched at its middle (near the end of the tiller) both strands of which I hold when on the rail . . . and have decided to splurge on a tiller extension ... the telescoping Forspar one that goes to 48" sounds good (that's the "M" in these two models).
The Stay-Fast model: SF-M costs more than the quick release model TFP-M. WestMarine does not sell SF-M, which Defender (Waterford, CT) sells at $155 (list $197). WM sells TFP-M for $120. I can get it for a little less at Defender.
According to this Forespar handout, https://www.forespar.com/pdf/tillerExtension2.pdf
Stafast (SF): the tiller stays at the same angle so that after crossing the boat the sailor is able to reach back and find the extension in the same position he/she left it.
TFP Quick Release End (TFP): model can be instantly fastened to the tiller by simply depressing the plunger and inserting the detent pin into the special tubular fitting supplied. Again, an easy push on the plunger and the hiking stick is released from the tiller.
I'm going for the telescoping model to be able to sit on the rail with and without crew, want the durability of a metal swivel, and don't much care about the rest. I do not race (at least yet). Mostly short sails (1–3 hours). Curious what folks on this forum think about this choice . . . .
I am grateful to those who remind to leave a handhold at the end of the tiller. My tiller was made by the PO so has no prior holes.