Buying a DSIII

Regarding the DS3 only. Note that the DS3 is not a class-legal Day Sailer.

Moderator: GreenLake

Buying a DSIII

Postby Norfolk » Fri Sep 04, 2020 6:44 pm

I need any and all advice for a boat I’m about to purchase for 14 year old son. Ideas of value?
What year??
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Re: Buying a DSIII

Postby GreenLake » Fri Sep 04, 2020 6:59 pm

Are you intending to purchase that for the 14yr old to use alone on his own? In that case, the DS family of boats is not a good match. It's not a very light boat and better sailed with two people. If you are intending to sail with your son, it would be a different matter. A good youth boat for two youngsters might be a Vanguard 15, which is much lighter and more responsive than a DS. For a single sailor, perhaps a Bic Open.

Are you a sailer yourself? Do you race? Does your son race/intend to race?

Also, the hull number plaque isn't really enough info for giving any suggestions or advice on a potential boat purchase. This is not like the used car marked where model number, year and mileage are easy ways to bracket a price and drive much of a purchase decision.
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