by K.C. Walker » Mon Jun 17, 2013 11:15 am
@68Commemorative, pretty much everyone who attended said that the event was a good deadline for getting their boats ready. Good luck and I hope you make the Fourth of July launch date! I've only driven by Webster Lake, but it looks like it's big enough to have some fun on. From what I can tell, there is a pretty good number of DaySailers on the lake.
@Sean, I'm glad you enjoyed the photos. I should have given photo credit to Rhodysail for the three photos of us sailing in Red Tail. The boat with the blue hull was a Sailstar Explorer. Dan said that it weighed in at about 1100 pounds and when we got back he was comparing the sail size with Moose's mainsail and found that it was somewhat smaller. Dan did a couple of motor sailing runs to keep up.
@Moose, I'm glad we were able to get you going. That would've been too disappointing. I too noticed the give-and-take on the speed going downwind.
I'm definitely hoping that we do another event. Buzzards Bay sounds fun. When thinking about it, New England does have some of the most incredible sailing areas, most of which I have not sailed. My little neck of the woods here at Stonington/Watch Hill/Mystic is pretty spectacular, as well. I know it's a little far North, but Winnipesaukee is great sailing and where I keep my boat a good part of the summer.
Yeah, the UPS was in its element.
KC Walker, DS 1 #7002