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Calling Rhode Island or S.E. Massachussetts

PostPosted: Wed Mar 13, 2013 10:10 am
by RhodySail
Looking for fellow daysailers in RI or Nearby MA to possibly set up some fleet races and/or organize some longer overnight & camping journeys with the DS. I can't find anything regarding RI daysailer fleets online (surprising since they were made in Fall RIver & Boston) and no one around the boat yards seems to know of any. If there are any locals please reach out or if anyone has some information on how I could get in touch with a local fleet that would be great.

Re: Calling Rhode Island or S.E. Massachussetts

PostPosted: Thu Mar 14, 2013 8:05 am
by Moose
I'm on the southcoast, not to be confused with the south shore. I had discussed starting a fleet with "jdubes"(originator of the New England meet-up idea) based at the Mattapoisett yacht club but I somehow found myself with a DSIII. So, I'm not class legal.

I'm open to the idea of meet-ups of fun sails or whatever.

Re: Calling Rhode Island or S.E. Massachussetts

PostPosted: Wed Mar 27, 2013 2:27 pm
by RhodySail
Hi Moose,

Check out the post under events 2012XXX2013 Meetup its a thread from last year but we're planning an event for this year in Narragansett Bay. We're thinking of sailing around Prudence Island from the Oakland Beach Boat Ramp in Warwick, R.I. or just daysailing/cooking out off the beach from the N.E. point of Patience Island.

Don't know how to link to the thread but its under Events

Re: Calling Rhode Island or S.E. Massachussetts

PostPosted: Wed Mar 27, 2013 3:44 pm
by GreenLake
RhodySail wrote:Don't know how to link to the thread but its under Events

Fixed it for you.