Paceship Mouette

Moderator: GreenLake

Paceship Mouette

Postby sailJ » Thu Aug 03, 2023 9:19 am

Sorry I know this is a DS forum and these "this boat vs that boat" questions can be tiring...
I really want a ds1 or ds2, but also available currently within driving distance are a pair of Paceship Mouette 19's. Seems quite hard to find much info on these boats other than the hard specs.
Has anyone sailed one that can compare to an O'day DS?
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Re: Paceship Mouette

Postby GreenLake » Thu Aug 03, 2023 4:08 pm

Trying to find someone who has sailed both would seem to be a challenging task.

However, using you can compare the specs of related boats. A quick check indicates that the Mouette 19 falls between the Rhodes 19 and the DS. Length and beam more like the Rhodes, displacement more like the DS and sail area somewhere in-between, although closer to the DS.

The sail area / displacement is almost the same as the DS, meaning it will sail slower in very light winds (more wetted surface, because longer), but a bit faster otherwise (slightly higher hull speed). Would seem to me that the Mouette and the DS fit a similar niche, although the former can probably stow even more gear if you are into boat camping. (All this from the spec data)
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