Hoisting a DSIII ?

Moderator: GreenLake

Hoisting a DSIII ?

Postby SMichelsen » Fri Mar 08, 2019 4:47 pm

I have just joined a sailing Association that uses a hoist to move boats in and out of the water. It was suggested to me that I can use cleats, etc, as lifting points. Not sure if the cleats are "structural" enough to support the weight of the boat, or if I even have enough of them in the right places. Has anyone had any experience hoisting their DSIII? How about using slings under the boat, instead of connection points on top? If using slings, are there "most appropriate" points to place them?

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Re: Hoisting a DSIII ?

Postby tomodda » Sat Mar 09, 2019 12:12 pm

Hi Steve,

I know nothing of the details if a DS3, as I sail a DS1. Two thoughts, however:

-You'll want to hoist from at least 3 points, such as the foredeck cleat and the two aft cleats. You need to make sure that you have good backing plates beneath those cleats. I believe that the foredeck cleat is already backed by re-enforced deck, but check underneath. For the aft cleats, you'll have to build adequate backing. At the very least, some short pieces of pressure-treated wood. Long term, you might want to do a proper layup of glass and a decent core for the backing, but I don't know what your access under those cleats is like. Bottom line, they'll be OK with proper backing.

-Name-dropping: 61daysailer launches his DS1 via hoist. PM him, you may get some pointers.

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Re: Hoisting a DSIII ?

Postby GreenLake » Sat Mar 09, 2019 4:09 pm

Also, this has been discussed here before. The answer shouldn't be that specific to a DSIII, so you'll likely need to look at the whole forum. There are tips on searching the forum in the forum info section.

(As this is not DSIII specific, I'll move the topic).
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Re: Hoisting a DSIII ?

Postby SMichelsen » Mon Mar 11, 2019 5:09 pm

Greenlake, though hoisting a sailboat by it's cleats is certainly a "generic" topic, I figure there are points specific to the DSIII that bear review. I looked at the cleats by the bow and found that they are backed by a plate roughly 5" x 1.5". I cannot see the plates behind the cleats by the stern; I can only imagine that the hardware under them is the same. I don't see how this is enough to safely lift the boat by the cleats but maybe someone been through this already. I may have to add bigger plates behind all the cleats, or just opt to use straps under the boat.

Tomodda, thanks for your thoughts here.

Here are pictures of the plates under the bow cleats, and a photo of the starboard cleat near the stern. I will have to install access covers near the starboard cleats if I choose to reinforce the backing plates there.

Bow cleat backing

starboard cleat near stern
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Re: Hoisting a DSIII ?

Postby tomodda » Mon Mar 11, 2019 6:12 pm

Plastic fibre cleats? Mmm, I dunno. Any idea what the lading weight on the horns are? Whole boat only weighs 550ish pounds, but still... Can you do slings? Just use the cleats for auxiliary line to keep the slings from slipping fore/aft.
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Re: Hoisting a DSIII ?

Postby Woreign » Mon Mar 11, 2019 6:39 pm

I happened upon this photo on the internet of a DaySailer being hoisted by three points. It might give you better idea where to start with yours.

hoist.jpg (106.62 KiB) Viewed 9097 times

If you'll be hoisting your boat a lot, it may be worthwhile to install dedicated lifting points like in the photo. I wouldn't trust the stock deck cleats, even with reinforcements. The aft port corner of the deck on my boat had separated from the hull. I happened to find about it when I pulled up on the cleat and deck moved with it. I've since repaired it with 5400 marine adhesive, but still I wouldn't want to lift the boat from that location.
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