I had noise from the CB that disappeared when I faired it. But this noise was more like a flutter than a banging.
Atypical for an older DS1, my CB is supported not just on one side, but on both - someone drilled and tapped the CB pivot and ran a bolt into it, from opposite the handle.
If suspended only on one side, as per original design, I can see how flutter might build up to oscillations that result in banging.
Now, one reason the original design works as well as it does is that the CB tends to "wedge" itself into the trunk under load. Some people build up the opening a bit to make that more effective. (Class rules allow the first 4" of the inside of the CB trunk to be built up in this way).
You might take a look at your CB. If it's pretty banged up try fairing it (look in older posts). Test it. Report back.