Newly rescued DS1...and the cockpit drain

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Moderator: GreenLake

Newly rescued DS1...and the cockpit drain

Postby kobaz » Mon Jun 01, 2020 9:55 pm

I picked up a Spindrift DS1 last summer and finally got it in the water today.

Upon splashing I immediately noticed water rushing in from the drain hole in the back of the cockpit. it settled down a bit when it got level with the water and not angled from launching off the trailer.

With one person in the cockpit, there's probably about a gallon a minute flow into the cockpit. If there's no weight in the boat it kind of drains back out if you're lucky. Most of the water accumulates near the low spot at the centerboard trunk.

From all the reading, it seems like some of the DS's have self bailing cockpits. No drain plugs came with the boat, and there's only one drain, there's no bilge drain, just a cockpit drain. And in fact, no access to any kind of bilge at all.

Edit: I just found the Spindrift manual and this classic line tells the story:
"Make sure the drain plug is closed prior to sailing". But the question remains, if this can be made better.

Here's me, in the back of the boat after a good scrubbing:

Here's the drain hole. Didn't completely scrub it squeaky clean yet... good enough for government work!

Obviously the main block and cam cleat is for the jib... what's the second smaller block and cam cleat for (the smaller one is towards the stern... traveler?)
Right now the traveler is just a line tied between two through-holes in the transom with no cleats, blocks or other adjustment points.

This is the logo/model to maybe help you guys ID this boat. (pre power-wash.. it looks much nicer now!)

Also, what the heck is this thing? Jib downhaul? Some say it might be a jib halyard tensioner (Also pre-powerwash... that top deck is clean enough to eat on now!)
Harken magic box
The working end is connected to a wire and a shackle. There's already a cunningham internal to the mast, so it's not one of those.

So... I found this... the go-to self bailer

Where does this get mounted? Is the hull thin enough to put this right in the middle of the boat near the centerboard, since the water pools here? The design of the bottom would require a bath tub amount of water to fill the cockpit before it will REALLY self drain.

What kind of drain plug is this? Is there such thing as a self-bailing drain that's horizontal instead? At least it'll let water out in a worst case flooding event, and will keep the water from coming in.

I would have left the images as img tags, but I uploaded original images at 2218x4656 and this board doesn't auto-resize...
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Re: Newly rescued DS1...and the cockpit drain

Postby GreenLake » Tue Jun 02, 2020 12:55 am

Welcome to the forum @kobaz.

That drain hole takes a rubber plug and is mainly used for draining the cockpit after it's been rained on or hosed down, or if water is left in the boat after it's been put on the trailer. Anyway, that's how I use it. As you discovered, you can float the boat with the hole open and it will prevent a heavy rainstorm from sinking it, if it's docked without a boom tent or cover. Some people use it that way. (Plugs can be found easily, just be sure you get one for the right diameter. They are a cylinder of rubber with a handle that can be turned/flipped or both to compress the rubber and seal the drain. A few dollars at any marine store or online).

You could fit a self-bailer, (centrally, aft of the CB, and different types work better for single hulls like your DS1) but unless you plan on sailing your boat wet (that is with lots of water splashing in from chop), I wouldn't bother with one. It's one more thing to maintain and that is ever only worth it if it's something you use regularly.

A bailer may come in handy after capsize recovery - I don't know, haven't managed to capsize, and for the same reason that I'm sailing a very dry boat: conditions here during our evening races tend to be rather moderate and the location is protected, so even if it pipes up a bit, waves don't form (and it's a no-wake zone). You'll know your conditions, or will know them once you've taken your boat out a few times and then you can make a reasoned decision on whether a self-bailer will add value.

The box-like thing is indeed a "magic box", basically a block and tackle confined in a box. Usually used to tension halyards, so your guess may be correct. You will find that DaySailer running rigging is not controlled by class rules, so you'll find all sorts of setups. Being able to tension the jib halyard underway is useful, so if you can figure out how this is rigged, you might want to keep it.

Having the traveler as just a line between two points is basic, but fine. I take it there's a block at the end of the mainsheet that rides along the traveler? There are different setups - if you like you can start a thread under "Rigging" about different types of travelers and their advantages.

The two sets of cleats blocks aft of the blocks / cleats for you jib would be for the spinnaker. There should be a set of turning blocks at the stern. If you need to know more check out the "How to Rig and Fly a Spinnaker" thread.

The jib blocks look like they are in a fixed position, not on tracks. Does the boat have Barber in-hauls? You'll want some ability to influence the sheeting position for the jib - even more so than adjustments on a traveler. Questions and details belong in the "Rigging" section.

This board indeed does not autoresize images. Most people seem to manage. There's a thread in the "how to" section on some techniques that work. Are you accessing this from a phone or desktop? Anyway, add to the discussion there, if you have technical questions.
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Re: Newly rescued DS1...and the cockpit drain

Postby kobaz » Tue Jun 09, 2020 10:25 pm

We do have barber in haulers on the boat. They've definitely come in handy.

This little guy's going to be in or near the water for the season, so I'm really contemplating the self bailer. I also have a mooring I might move her to, and in that case I definitely would want the self bailer.

Although my 22's not in the water yet.. which would typically get the mooring and we may leave the DS1 on the rampy thing I built on the beach... we'll see.

I picked up a few plugs at <insert big box hardware store here> and I'll be trying them out in the morning.

In terms of 'standard' drain plugs, they seem to be all 1 inch. This hole is 1/2 inch with little cutouts on either side.. like -o- my first attempt at putting in a drain plug left water pouring in from either side of the plug through the horizontal slits that were there. So either this is some special drain hole, or I'm missing something completely.
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Re: Newly rescued DS1...and the cockpit drain

Postby GreenLake » Wed Jun 10, 2020 12:46 am

Now I see the special shape. This may be a fitting that goes into a 1" hole but consists of two parts (one missing). You may be able to remove the fixed part and either the hole will then work for a 1" plug, or you can install some other 2-part drain fitting. Look for drain plug in online marine stores to see examples.

A boom tent would be a reasonable approach to keeping the rain out. You can experiment with a cheap one made from a bit of tarp and if you like that approach, could get a canvas one made later.
~ green ~ lake ~ ~
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