Home of the Day Sailer Association
Rudder question for rules compliant DS1
WTB a rudder for my husband's 1968 DaySailer
2014 North American Championship Regatta
Congratulations to Steve Braese and Bob Blake!2013 North American Championship Regatta
Congratulations to Mike Gillum and Mardi Gant Gillum on again defending the Championship!2012 North American Championship Regatta
Congratulations to Mike Gillum and Mardi Gant Gillum on defending the Championship!2011 Day Sailer Association Membership form is now available here
For a mere $35/year, you can help support the Day Sailer class boat, the Association, and this website.
Forum posts and photos are copyrighted by their respective authors. Everything else copyright © 2015 by the Day Sailer Association. Contact webmaster.